Monday, April 11, 2011

Chinese Political Compass 中国政治指南针

下面这个问卷叫做‘中国政治指南针’,是北京大学的学生根据著名的‘政治指南针’问卷设计和修改的。每个问题有四个选项,A.强烈反对  B.反对   C.同意  D.强烈同意。 请根据你的第一感觉选择答案,如果可能的话请将您的答案发给邮箱 谢谢。
This is a survey called ‘Chinese Political Compass’. This survey is designed from students of Beijing University in China and based on the well-known survey ‘political compass’.There are four choices for each question:
  1. Strongly disagree   B. disagree    C. Agree    D. Strongly Agree
Please choose your answer according to your first intuition, if possible, would you send your answers to the email address, please? thank you very much.
Political Part: 政治部分
  1. If people were not educated with knowledge of democracy, they are not supposed to have the right to vote. 如果人民没有受过民主教育,他们是不应该拥有普选权的。
  2. Human right is more important than the benefit of the government. 人权高于政府的权益。
  3. The Multi-party system is not suitable in China. 西方的多党制不适合中国国情。
  4. There is a major safety event happening. The government should publicize it even with a risk of chaos. 发生重大社会安全事件时,即使认为信息公开会导致骚乱的风险,政府仍应该开放信息传播。
  5. The entrance exam to college should be made by each college, not the nation. 由高校自主考试招生比全国统一考试招生更好。
  6. China is going to be in disorder if the government imports the freedom of speech from the western world. 在中国照搬西方式的言论自由会导致社会失序。
  7. Religious people is allowed to educate other people with religions in public. 应该容许宗教人士在非宗教场所公开传教。 
  8. All college students should have compulsory military trainings. 无论中小学生或大学生,都应参加由国家统一安排的军训。 
  9. Unity of the country and territorial integrity is the most important social benefit. 国家的统一和领土完整是社会的最高利益。
  10. A country has the responsibility to help other countries. 国家有义务进行对外援助。
  11. A punishment should be done to the guilty criminal even if it violated the rules of trial and the rules of taking evidence. 哪怕经历了违反程序规定的审讯和取证过程,确实有罪的罪犯也应被处刑。
  12. The president or chairman of a country can be uglified in artistic works. 国家领导人及开国领袖的形象可以作为文艺作品的丑化对象。
  13. If the law could not fully punish and stop crimes, people have the right to stop it. 当法律未能充分制止罪恶行为时,人民群众有权自发对罪恶行为进行制裁。
  14. The media is allowed to speak for a class or an interest group. 应当允许媒体代表某一特定阶层或利益集团发言。
  15. A country is allowed to take any action to protect its own benefit. 如果国家综合实力许可,那么中国有权为了维护自己的利益而采取任何行动。
  16. It is allowed to have multiple nationalities. 应该允许中国公民同时具有外国国籍。
  17. China should unify Taiwan with military force. 条件允许的话应该武力统一台湾。
  18. A country should train athletes in order to win in international competitions. 国家应当采取措施培养和支持体育健儿在各种国际比赛场合为国争光。
  19. Lawyers should defend the criminal even if the criminal committed horrible crimes. 律师即使明知被辩护人的犯罪事实也应当尽力为其进行辩护。
  20. Western countries do not allow china to grow strong. 以美国为首的西方国家不可能真正容许中国崛起成为一流强国。
Culture Part: 文化部分
  1. A freewill sex between two people is allowed regardless of the marriage status. 两个成年人之间自愿的性行为是其自由,无论其婚姻关系为何。
  2. I will allow my son to marry a man or my daughter marry a women if they do love each other. 如果是出于爱和自愿,我会认可我的孩子和同性结婚。
  3. The contemporary china needs confucianism. 现代中国社会需要儒家思想。
  4. Whether most people like it or not is an essential criterium to evaluate an artistic work. 判断艺术作品的价值的根本标准是看是不是受到人民大众喜爱。
  5. Even with the pressure of population, the country and society should not interfere with people’s decision on how many kids they want. 即使有人口压力,国家和社会也无权干涉个人要不要孩子,要几个孩子。
  6. ‘Book of Changes’ or ‘a Confucian classic’ or ‘Yi Jing’, and ‘the Eight Diagrams’, could explain many phenomenons. 周易八卦能够有效的解释很多事情。
  7. Traditional Chinese medical science is superior to the modern western medical science. 中国传统医学对人体健康的观念比现代主流医学更高明。
  8. It is not necessary to artificially simplify Chinese characters. 汉字无需人为推行简化。
  9. China should bring traditional culture into school textbooks. 应当将中国传统文化的经典作品作为儿童基础教育读物。
  10. It’s not good to talk about shortcomings of parents and grandparents. 不应公开谈论自己长辈的缺点。
Economy Part: 经济部分
  1. The minimum wage should be set by the government. 最低工资应由国家规定。
  2. All achievements and profits of economic reforms in 1979 in China are possessed by a small group of people, not most people. 中国改革开放以来的经济发展的成果都被一小群人占有了,大多数人没得到什么好处。
  3. In major projects, personal benefit should be sacrificed for social benefit. 在重大工程项目的决策中,个人利益应该为社会利益让路。
  4. It’s personal freedom to waste food. 浪费粮食也是个人的自由。
  5. Government should take actions if the price of daily used items is too high, such as beef or oil. 如果猪肉价格过高,政府应当干预。
  6. It is allowed to have a high tax on imported international items to protect domestic industry. 应当对国外同类产品征收高额关税来保护国内民族工业。
  7. The profit of a state-owned business belongs to the state. 国有企业的利益属于国家利益。
  8. An action to control the price of house and apartment will do harm to the economy. 试图控制房地产价格的行为会破坏经济发展。
  9. Education is responsibility of the government. 教育应当尽可能公立。
  10. The primary method to improve the life quality of a low income family is the help from the government. 改善低收入者生活的首要手段是国家给予财政补贴和扶持。
  11. The wealthy deserve a better medical service. 有钱人理应获得更好的医疗服务。
  12. People with a high income should make the source of income public. 高收入者应该公开自己的经济来源。
  13. The contribution of a person dealing with allocation of capital is lower than that of a person doing labor work. 靠运作资金赚钱的人对社会的贡献比不上靠劳动赚钱的人。
  14. If a state-owned business is facing bankruptcy, it’s a better idea to sell it to a capitalist than bankruptcy. 与其让国有企业亏损破产,不如转卖给资本家。
  15. It’s harmless monopoly if it naturally forms from a free market economy. 市场竞争中自然形成的垄断地位是无害的。
  16. Those very important business such as national security must be state-owned. 那些关系到国家安全、以及其他重要国计民生的领域,必须全部由国有企业掌控。
  17. The accumulation of capital is always accompanied with exploiting other workers. 资本积累的过程总是伴随着对普通劳动人民利益的伤害。
  18. A person should be allowed to own private land and buy/sell land. 私人应当可以拥有和买卖土地。
  19. The government should pay more to peasents to increase their income, even if it may result in high price of food. 政府应当采用较高的粮食收购价格以增加农民收入。
  20. An international business should be treated equally with a national one. 在华外国资本应享受和民族资本同样的待遇。
last one question, are you a Chinese? A. yes

Thank you very much for your participation. :)

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