In the late 80s of 20th century, it was a time when democracy fought against autocracy. In the Europe, the Berlin Wall fell down, Communist governments were overthrown one after another; In china, on the Tiananmen square, people had a national wide democratic movement. On the June 4th 1989, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) cracked it down with guns and tanks.
From the death of Hu Yaobang to the Editorial of April 26, it was the starting stage of this movement. Hu Yaobang is an open-minded chairman, he advocated democracy, political reform and liberalism in China. He was purged by leftists in 1987 during the crackdown of 'bourgeois liberalism'. Hu died because of heart failure on April 15, 1989. People naturally gathered together, on one hand to moan this kind-hearted chairman, on the other hand, in the last 10 years, the policy of economic reform in china improved the economy, but political reform was still not started yet, the lagged political reforms leaded to bureaucratic profiteering, corruption, injustice, huge gap between rich and poor; to express their claim of justice, democracy, liberalism and human right, people took advantage of this change, hope the CCP rectify their own mistakes. In the photo below, there were three students kneeled to submit their petition to the Premier Li Peng, but not a single governor responded to them after a long kneeling.
Because of the iron hand of terror from the Communist Party, students kept a high purity of this movement, they had a clear cut from the anti-Communist, conter-revolutionarys. Students even arrested the three heroes, who threw paint to the picture of notorious dictator Mao, and sent them to Communist Party (CP), the three heroes received a heavy penalty afterward.
From the Editorial of April 26 to the Martial law of May 20, it was the developing stage of this movement. CCP published an editorial on the 'people's daily', they declared this democratic event was a planned conspiracy, classified it as counter-revolutionary disturbance. Below is a picture of the newspaper. The title of this editorial is 'it is necessary to take a clear-cut stand against disturbances'.
This editorial hurt students' heart, they were just asking for action to stop bureaucratic profiteering and corruption, not against the party, let alone counter-revolutionary. It hurt Chinese people's feelings as well, people thought students were innocent, the party classified students as the enemy of the party, this dissatisfaction emotion from the society became a power to support the students, the movement spread to the entire country quickly because it is to the chinese people's benefit if bureaucratic profiteering and corruption was punished. At the same time, inside the party, innovationists and conservatives divorced. Innovationists supported students as well, they hope students could support them mutually, but their joint complicated this movement. It made Deng Xiaoping and other governors in power sensed the crisis, and the struggle for power inside the party.
the photo above is the journalists of 'people's daily' supporting students' movement.
From the Martial law of May 20 to the bloody crackdown of June 4, it was the withstanding stage of this movement.
In the photo above, it was the angry Premier Li Peng declaring the Martial Law.
The martial law not only indicated the counter-revolutionary classification, but also exposed the plan of military crackdown to the movement. Students felt so sad, painful and angry because the government didn't responded to their requests as they wanted, but planning to crack them down. Therefore, the students stepped back, a withstanding emotion was increasing, the anti-bureaucratic profiteering and corruption stage was over, withstanding stage is going deeper and deeper, students even started a hunger strike to achieve their goals. But at the same time, a fear of crackdown was also increasing in the students because they know how the party behaved to different opinions in the past several decades.
上图为当时的总书记赵紫阳先生向广场上的学生讲话,关心学生们绝食不能伤了身体。并很隐晦的暗示共产党要镇压了。The photo above is Zhao Ziyang talking to the students. He told the students to take care of themselves, don't hurt themselves in the hunger strike. He also obscurely indicated the Party was going to crackdown the movement.
上图是绝食的学生。the photo above is students on the hunger strike.
上图是人民反对李鹏的戒严令,并要求李鹏下台。the photo above is people protest against the martial law and ask for impeaching the Premier Li Peng.
上图是学生们在独裁者毛泽东面对面树立起的自由女神像。The photo above is the statue of liberty students set up right against the photo of dictator Mao Zedong.
At this time, the request for reforming was decreasing, the withstanding was increased to withstand the ruthless crackdown, they even started to claim overthrow the autocratic CCP government. But, in the early morning of June 4th, CCP decided to crackdown the movement with military force. The sound of gunshot, the sound of tanks, the desperate scream from people, were telling the world, CCP was a ruthless, immoral and anti-human civilization government.
This photo above was people got killed in the crackdown, probably ran over by the tank.
This photo above was a person got gunshot from PLA.
This photo above was soldiers of PLA holding guns, might be shooting, on the square.
This photo above was the hero of the century, he stand against a column of tanks trying to stop the tanks going forward to the square. This is the fight of human conscience against the power of tyranny.
This democratic movement ended up a bloody crackdown, but it didn't fail. China was under autocracy for a really long time, the privileges of the emperor had a character of hereditary, lifelong and absolute centralization of state power in ancient time. The revolution in 1911 knocked off the hereditary one, no dictator dare to pass the power to his offspring since then; The democratic movement of this one knocked off the lifelong one, no dictator dare to possess the power for more than eight years. Plus, after this massacre, the world community had a clear cut from the CCP, they announced not to use military force in future democratic movements, which made the democratization easier.
This tragedy happened 22 years ago, but the CCP was still trying to hiding the truth from people, CCP delete this massacre from history textbook, delete any article related to this topic, CCP does not allow people to talk, to recollect, to criticize. They want people forget what happened in the spring of 1989. But, people are gonna remember this forever, because we know, forgetting the history is always to repeat the history!
Democracy is invincible and autocracy must end up a failure!
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